
What is Singapore Nursing Board SNB Licensure Exam

The Singapore Nursing Board (SNB) Licensure Exam is a regulatory requirement for nurses who wish to practice in Singapore. It ensures nurses have the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies to provide safe and effective nursing care. Here are some key points about the exam:


Regulatory Compliance: The exam ensures that all practising nurses meet the professional standards set by the Singapore Nursing Board.

Quality Assurance: It helps maintain high standards of nursing practice in Singapore.


Educational Requirements: Candidates must have completed a recognized nursing program.

Foreign-Trained Nurses: Nurses trained outside Singapore must have their qualifications assessed and may need additional training or bridging courses.

Exam Structure

Theoretical Knowledge: The exam tests candidates on various nursing topics, including medical-surgical nursing, maternal-child health, mental health nursing, and community health.

Clinical Skills: It may also include practical components to assess clinical skills and competencies.

Application Process

Documentation: Candidates must submit their educational transcripts, proof of clinical experience, and other relevant documents.

Fees: The application fee varies depending on the candidate's background and the SNB's specific requirements.


Study Materials: Candidates can use textbooks, review courses, and practice exams to prepare.

Training Programs: Some institutions offer preparatory courses for the SNB Licensure Exam.

Examination Day

Format: The exam is usually conducted in a written format, though practical assessments may also be included.

Duration: The length of the exam can vary, but it typically lasts several hours.


Results: Candidates are notified of their results within a specified period.
Licensure: Successful candidates receive their nursing license and can then legally practice nursing in Singapore.


Professional Recognition: Passing the SNB Licensure Exam is a significant milestone for nurses, granting them the legal right to practice in Singapore.

Career Opportunities: A nursing license from Singapore is recognized for its high standards and can open doors to various career opportunities locally and internationally.


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